Training & Support

Technical Support

We offer countrywide support via our Technical helpdesk on 087 159 7341. The Technical Helpdesk contact number is a Sharecall number, so we offer countrywide support for the cost of a local call.

  • Online Courses


    IDS is proud to say that is the only Security supplier that host free online training courses for all IDS customers. Our online courses are self-paced, self-learning courses allowing everyone to complete the courses online in their own time. Click to view








  • Branch Training


    Do you know that IDS offers free product training at all IDS branches around South Africa? IDS currently runs a national scheduled product training at our three main sale branches, Durban, Johannesburg and Cape Town. Contact your local branch for more details.

Product Download

The IDS Download section is now organized into product categories, with each product having all mannuals, guides, software, and firmware listed together, so you can find the correct information.