1. How do I connect to WiFi?
You must have a router that is 2.4Ghz and has WPS. First press the WPS button on your WiFi router, then press the SYNC button on the ONYYX Hub.
2. How do I add WiFi if I don’t have a WPS button?
a. You need to first connect your ONNYX Hub to the internet using a SIM card. You can then select the ‘pencil’ icon on the top right corner and select “Optional Connection Settings.” Here you can select WiFI and add the WiFi Name and Password.
b. If you do not have a SIM card you can create a Hotspot on your phone with a network name onyx with the password as the Onyyx serial number.
3. How do I add a user to my ONNYX?
Select the ‘hamburger’ menu on the top left corner and select “Manage Users.” Select the ‘plus’ icon on the top right corner and add the details of the User you want to add with their required permissions.